ON FIRST hearing about the royal wedding many people thought about love, the future of the monarchy and a possible extra bank holiday.

I found myself wondering if aristocratic lovelies would be reassessing their romantic options with the country’s most eligible bachelor now off the market. The blue-blood community has its share of hotties, although admittedly some have a slightly equine tinge to their beauty. However, Kate Middleton will soon be top of the pile in terms of status as well as attractiveness.

Perhaps I am mean-spirited but I couldn’t help but wonder if the two of them would have naturally paired up were he not born to a life of wealth and privilege and in a position to put her on a throne. There is nothing offensive about him, but would this quintessential English Rose really have gone for this slightly balding chap if he were a random office cog or shop worker?

Not that I want to be too cynical about the upcoming nuptials but owning a crown would be even more impressive than wearing an Olympic medal or using an Oscar to open bottles of lager.

The months of coverage that are sure to ensue will also mean weddings are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. I find this depressing as more of my friends are getting married – including a few ex-flames.

Few people know I once went ring shopping for an ex-girlfriend – sadly, it was not to be as the mechanical arm only managed to grab a fluffy toy.