TRIBUTE has been paid to David Cover, an important figure in the development of Ryde Cricket Club, who died peacefully on Wednesday last week (April 24).

David, a former chairman of the club, had played for Taunton Deane Cricket Club in Somerset, before moving to the Isle of Wight in the 1970s.

He became an integral member of the Ryde’s 49ers team and captained the Sunday second team on numerous occasions.

David — or DC, as he was affectionately known — served on the club's executive committee for several years and, as club chairman, between 2018 and this year.

He stepped down as chairman at the club's recent annual general meeting, on health grounds.

David played a key role when Ryde Cricket Club moved from its former home in Simeon Street, to their new ground at Harding Shute, in the late 1980s.

He has gone on to help "ensure the club's safety, both financially and in terms of resources".

"David was very much a visionary, determined to secure the future of the club for the benefit of subsequent generations," a club spokesperson said.

"He took a keen interest in the junior section, and was an ever-present on Friday training evenings, supporting the younger players."

"DC was a true gentleman and will be sorely missed by everyone at Ryde Cricket Club."

New chairman, Richard Christensen, said he will be aiming to "fulfil David's dream and encourage more involvement from club members to make Ryde Cricket Club as enjoyable and as futureproof" as it can.