MORE THAN 130 bus operators outside of London will be helping bus passengers save money with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and reducing congestion on the roads.

The initiative starts on Sunday, January 1, 2023, and ends on Friday, March 21, 2023.

During this time, the price of a single ticket will be £2, and millions of people are expected to save almost a third of the usual ticket price.

Transport secretary Mark Harper said: “By helping passengers outside London save almost a third off the average single bus ticket and taking two million cars off the road, the £2 bus fare cap is a fantastic way to start the new year.

“Buses are a key part of our vision for a clean, efficient, and modern transport network that is affordable for everyone. That’s why we’re investing £60 million to encourage everyone to hop on the bus and ‘Get Around for £2’.”

The average bus fare outside of London is £2.80 for a 3-mile journey, passengers will save almost a third of the ticket price.

Norman Baker from Campaign for Better Transport said: “Affordable bus travel really is a win-win. Capping bus fares in this way will help struggling households, cut traffic congestion and carbon emissions, and inject new life into dwindling bus services.”

National chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Martin McTague said: “More than a third of small firms consider public transport important to their business. It is therefore encouraging to see support for bus fares as we battle tough economic conditions. This move will likely encourage shoppers to go to towns and cities – just the fuel we need for economic growth.”

The scheme forms part of the Government’s Help for Households campaign and builds on the allocation of more than £2b to support bus services in England throughout the pandemic and its commitment to fund improved services.

It forms a part of the National Bus Strategy which was published in 2021.  Following the initiative, the Government will consider further support to help passengers access reliable and affordable bus services.

The Government will continue to work closely with bus operators and local authorities and consider future support to help passengers continue accessing reliable and affordable bus services after March.