
Sport in the Community:

Open to any individual, club or association that believes an additional grant of £7,000 will further its aims and success. This could be a promising individual who needs both funding and travel, a club that has entered a competition that requires travel, or an association that requires new equipment or additional trainers or teachers. Any activity that can be recognised or classed as sport can qualify for this category. Any person who receives a payment from a third party for this activity does not qualify.

2) Charity in the Community.

Open to any Southampton region registered charity.

The award should ideally be to facilitate a project that would not otherwise take place. The travel may be used to bring people to the Southampton region either to provide particular expertise, to give talks or as support of a fundraising event.

The travel bursary cannot be used in any part as prize in any fundraising activity.

3) Education in the Community.

Open to any school, college or even Government organisation providing an educational service on a non-professional basis. The award is not meant to be an additional funding for a professional company but in certain circumstances may support a particular project that a professional company in this field is undertaking. A charitable organisation may also qualify if they are providing an educational message or fulfilling a specific educational need in the Southampton region.

Education can encompass a variety of projects from environmental projects, conservation projects to a youth project involving education as a means of reducing street crime.