Burger King has announced a nationwide ban on single-use plastics lids on soft drinks and milkshakes in a move that will affect all restaurants across the UK.

The new initiative has been in place from 24th October and is predicted to remove a whopping 17 million plastic lids from circulation and save over 30,000kg of plastic every single year.

The removal of plastic lids from in-restaurant dining aims to build on previous activity, which saw Burger King UK remove all plastic toys from King Jr Meals and meltdown unwanted plastic toys for recycling. Both initiatives are part of Burger King UK’s continued commitment to reach 0% single-use plastic by 2025.   

Katie Evans from Burger King UK said: “We’re excited to be introducing this permanent removal of plastic lids in restaurants, ultimately reducing single-use plastics.

“Our Meltdown campaign in 2019, removing plastic toys from King Jr Meals, was the first significant step on our journey and this next step will take us closer to reaching our target of removing all single-use plastic by 2025.”