Whether you are an experienced stargazer or not, the Delta Aquariid meteor shower is a sight you'll not want to miss.

This show of shooting stars occurs every year from mid-July to late August, reaching its peak at the midway point.

The moderate meteor shower gets its name from the constellation that it appears to be directly travelling from - Aquarius and the bright star Delta Aquarii, according to Royal Museums Greenwich. 

Here's everything you need to know from when it peaks and where you should do your stargazing.

Celestial Events to look forward to in 2022

When does the Delta Aquariid meteor shower peak?

The Delta Aquariids are known for being a steady stream of meteors, at a low rate, over numerous days.

This year's shower started on July 12 and will last until August 23. 

Although the shower is active for more than a month, its peak will take place on Saturday (July 30).

The Royal Museums Greenwich states the Delta Aquariids "kick off the summer meteor season in the northern hemisphere" adding the shower is typically best viewed from the southern hemisphere.

Don't despair though, as we live at a mid-latitude (30°–60°) within the northern hemisphere, we will still be able to catch a glimpse of the phenomenon.

Where to watch the Delta Aquariid meteor shower

To increase your chances of spotting the meteors, watch from a dark place with as little light pollution as possible.

Avoid looking at lights, including your mobile phone, and allow your eyes time to adapt to the dark

Make sure you have an unobstructed view and look for the radiant of the shower above the southern horizon.

Lying on a blanket or lawn chair will give you a wider view of the sky.

The Royal Museums Greenwich recommends watching from around 2am, in time for it to reach its highest point at around 3.30am.

Once you have located Delta Aquarii in the sky, it suggests looking away from the radiant point as then you will only see short meteors.

Meteors appear longer if you look further away from the radiant, so you should aim your gaze about 45 degrees from Delta Aquarii.

And don't bother packing your binoculars or telescope - apparently your naked eye is "the best instrument".

For more information and tips, visit the Royal Museums Greenwich website.

Southampton weather forecast for Delta Aquarii meteor shower peak

The outlook for the early hours of Saturday morning could be worse, according to the Met Office forecast.

Although it is predicted to be partly cloudy, that does give stargazers the opportunity to spot a shooting star or two through breaks in the cloud.